Optical Cavities Group
Gus has interests in the application and development of techniques using optical cavities for enhanced spectroscopic detection. Much of the work is also devoted to deveopment of interesting new light sources for spectroscopic applications in fields such as atmospheric sensing and medical diagnostics.
Reaction Dynamics
Within this subdivision of the group, the photodissociation dynamics of atmospherically important species are investigated using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization in conjunction with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (REMPI-TOFMS).
FTIR can be used for a variety of studies on product vibrational state distributions in photochemistry and chemical reactions, on product branching ratios and kinetics of reactions of combustion and atmospheric interest, and on energy transfer processes.
Medical Diagnostics
This is a new project run as an interdisciplinary venture with the physiology department to assess the effects of stresses on the respiratory cycle, using sensitive absorption techniques.